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Why is Regular Pet Grooming Important?

Why is Regular Pet Grooming Important?

Celebrated on November 1, Pet Groomer Awareness Day draws attention to the important task groomers undertake when caring for your furry pal. Regular pet grooming not only keeps your pet looking their best, but it also provides many other benefits. Here are three...
5 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

5 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

When most people think of Halloween, they think of costumes and candy. But for pet owners, it can be a time of fear and anxiety. Pets can easily become spooked by all the noise and commotion, and may run off or get into trouble. That’s why it’s important...
Back-to-School Considerations for Your Pet

Back-to-School Considerations for Your Pet

Are you getting ready to send your kids back to school? The start of a new school year is a busy time for families, and it can be just as hectic for pets. Here are three tips to help your pet make a smooth transition from summer to fall. #1: Set up your back-to-school...
Keeping Your Pet Safe Under Anesthesia

Keeping Your Pet Safe Under Anesthesia

When you take your pet to the vet for surgery, you may be anxious about how they will be kept safe. Veterinary anesthesiology has come a long way in recent years, and your pet is in good hands. Here are three ways your pet is safeguarded under anesthesia. #1: We...